Welcome to Neverland, 4 Secret Tricks To Anti-aging and Have Youthful Skin

Connie C
W Attitude
Published in
6 min readJul 5, 2019


After 25 years old, I started to find my skin losing elasticity and it takes longer to heal any acne. And I see some fine lines around the eye area which are not there before…. and I realized that aging is happening! And I have to take steps and measures about it.

If you’re concerned about the elasticity of your skin, if you have started to see fine wrinkles, and you agree that when it comes to anti-aging prevention is the best policy, this post is for you. And do stay tuned for our other anti-aging and women attitude posts here.

In this post, I will disclose 4 secret tips to lift and firm the face, smooth fine lines and pump in moisture to keep your skin youthful, elastic and prevent wrinkles.

Although these are very simple tips, the effect is noticeable and visible if you consistently follow these steps. I have been practicing these 4 tips for almost 5 years now and realize a notable firmness and elasticity in my skin.

#1 Gravity face lifting

Gravity face lifting

Before you get to bed, lie down with your head at the edge of the bed or sofa and hanging towards the ground.

It may look funny but this little trick really works like magic. When you come to think about it, our face has been pulling downwards by gravity all day long regardless of whether we are standing or sitting. With this simple, easy and relaxing pose, you are using gravity to your benefit to pull your face upward by hanging your head down. So it prevents droopy skin and also reduces smile line.

Plus, it also helps to send more blood to the face which increases blood circulation in the face area to bring oxygen and take away the toxins.

Try to stay for 2–3 minutes unless you feel dizzy or discomfort. You can start with 1 minute to see how it feel. I do it every night before I sleep.

#2 Beauty gadget face lifting


When I wake up in the next morning, the first thing I do after brushing my teeth and cleansing my face with the low acidic foam wash, I put on some aloe soothing gel and started to do my 3-minute face lifting and firming with my Nuface mini. It is one of the best investment I have made in beauty gadget.

I use it almost every day and the result is very obvious and noticeable. I was skeptical at first but a friend working at the TV station told me that every actress is using it for an instant facelift right before going onto the stage so I finally decided to try it out. And I fell in love with it. It is so easy to use and very gentle on the skin when you use it with aloe gel. And the whole process is soothing, relaxing and very enjoyable.

After 3 minutes, I can feel the firmness of my skin and the microcurrent can stimulate the production of natural collagen in the skin to keep the skin elastic and pumped.

For your reference:

The low acidic foam wash I am using is this one.

The very affordable aloe gel I use is this one.

My Nuface mini is this one.

There is also a full version Nuface Trinity which the pro use.

I think it is enough for 25–40 to use the Nuface mini. Beyond that, I think Nuface Trinity may be needed.

#3 Anti-ageing and Face elastic Serum

There was one serum that has helped me with the skin elasticity. After 25, I found my skin started to lose elasticity and collagen. It is not as pumped as it was. After I started using this serum, the result is very satisfactory. It is now one of the all-year-round products that I use in my usual skincare routine. When I find a good product to recommend, I want to recommend it to you as well.

After washing my face, using the beauty gadget and followed by a toner to get rid of all the residue on the skin surface, I apply this anti-aging serum for the synergy effect.

The serum that I found so amazing is the IOPE Live Lift Serum. It really works wonders in increasing the skin elasticity, especially in the cheeks and mouth area. Of course, it is not medication or toxic so you can’t realistically expect a skincare product to lift your skin up overnight. But I can feel the resistance and firmness on the skin that was not there before applying. And I see visible results after 2.5 weeks of using this serum!

The core ingredient of this serum is Agave extract, which is a plant that keeps its life energy and is able to protect itself against harsh weather conditions. And this serum has an interesting texture but don’t worry it is not greasy and it absorbs and penetrates deep into the skin easily.

For your reference:

The anti-aging serum I talk about is this one.

#4 Anti-ageing beauty supplement

To stay youthful from the inside out, I have been taking Omega 3 supplement for almost 1 year now. There are more researches showing that Omega-3 which is good fatty acid can help with the balance of oils which could slow down the biological aging process and keep the skin youthful.

Omega 3 is a natural fatty acid that we can absorb from food such as salmon. But in daily lives, we may not be able to have food with a good amount of omega 3 so that’s why I decided to turn to supplement.

Omega 3 can also reduce oxidative stress caused by excessive free radicals so it is antioxidant in nature. Studies also show that it helps lower inflammation in adults which means it is good for fighting acne and breakout as well. I have heard from a number of skincare experts and demonologists recommending omega 3 intakes for clearing acne from different channels before.

For your reference:

The Omega 3 supplement that I take is this one.


#1) Before you go to sleep every night, try the gravity facelift for 2–3 minutes.

#2) In the morning after you cleanse your face, use the beauty gadget facelift for 3 minutes. Then use toner to remove any leftover aloe gel.

#3) Apply the anti-aging serum for synergy effect.

#4) Finally, intake good fatty acid Omega 3 which is antioxidant, anti-aging and immunity-boosting.


After age 25, our skin started to lose collagen and elasticity. It is the time to start anti-aging and prevention is the best policy. These 4 simple tricks can really work for you if you take consistency actions.

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Connie C
W Attitude

Writes about Career acceleration; FIRE Retire in 10 years; Passive investment; Abundant mindset