STOP Chasing Ambiguous Numbers — How to Set Goals that Resonate with YOU

Connie C
4 min readJul 18, 2020


“6 months to build a 5-figure business. “

“12 months to build a 6-figure business. “

“3,000 followers in 3 days. “

“$1million by the age of 30 “

We see all these success statements everyday now on social media.

I am so curious when I hear people simply take these numbers as their goals — they may sound great and amazing, but these are just RANDOM figures!

These figures may mean a lot to the person doing it, but it means nothing to you and me!

It goes back to the children psychology that if the other kids have it, we need to have it too. No reason required.

But does it work?

I seriously doubt it since 90% of the goals are not achieved each year. One of the reasons why could be that most of us simply take other people number’s as our own goals.

There are several problems with that:

1/ we only see the tip of an iceberg

First, the numbers are not verified. It should be taken more as marketing gimmicks until proven to be fact.

Even if they are true, we do not know how many hours of work that involve, whether the entrepreneur works full time to achieve the results, whether they have failed 3 times before attaining this level of success, whether they have invested 6-figures in a coach that supports them in the process, whether those amount of money is net profit or revenue (if so how much is the profit margin), whether the followers gained are real, meaningful relationship etc.

What we see is only the tip of an iceberg and we have no idea what is happening behind the scene.

Simply relying on this little piece of information would give the impression that it is easy overnight success.

As mentioned before, these figures mean nothing to us and hence they do not resonate with us.

If we do not have an intention behind the goal, it would be ambiguous and vague and we probably would have forgotten it in a week or a month (anyone has the same experience of forgetting their goals because they do not resonate?)

2/ we are placing random timeline on ourselves

I know that we all want quick, fast success. Best If we can go viral tomorrow and have 100 clients queuing up to wait to pay us to buy our offer right?

Best if we can wake up and our right partner just magically appear besides us and serve us breakfast right?

Best if we can have 100 million tomorrow winning the lottery right?

The world has trained us to be impatient. We can have access to almost anything we want, any information that we want to find online in 0.005 second.

Building a business used to take a lifetime (or a few generations) in my grandpa’s generation, and suddenly with technology and social media, we condensed that into a few years (or less) and still feel like this is taking us forever!

It is a good thing that we live in an advanced society but we are getting shorter attention span. We are impatient, we want everything NOW. If the restaurant takes longer to serve the food, we become angry. If the Wi-Fi is slower, we complain and consider joining another telecommunication company for faster Wi-Fi right?

This urgency in life has caused us more anxiety and pressure and in a way obstructs our chances of success more than ever. It has become a race and the destination becomes more important than the journey.

I have shared more about this and a life formula which I have found to ease this anxiety in [The Life Formula 100:1:]

Bottom line is that this is not a race. The key is to find a way that is sustainable, simplified and soulful to us so that we can keep doing it day after day, month after month and year after year to become a master and the go-to expert in the field. This just is not going to happen overnight.

By comparing ourselves to that ambiguous timeline, we are doomed to feel like a failure and hence increase our chances of giving up and quitting.

In fact, if we could keep holding onto it and keep rolling, slowly but surely we build meaningful relationships, and we can be certain to reach the place where we want to be.

Yet, by imposing such meaningless time figures on us, we are doing ourselves an injustice by comparing apple to orange (plus we really have no idea how long other entrepreneurs have worked on honing their skills and overcoming their mindset blocks before they are able to achieve the success that they have).

So please stop chasing these ambiguous income goals and meaningless timeline taken from other people.

Develop our own goals that resonate with us and the strategy that we choose instead.


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Connie C
Connie C

Written by Connie C

Writes about Career acceleration; FIRE Retire in 10 years; Passive investment; Abundant mindset

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