Affirmations to Get Rid of Lacks and Limitations is for if you feel trapped, stuck, fear of lack, these affirmations can help. The limitations that we have are the ones that our old self chose to impose upon ourselves. They are illusional and I now dissolve them and free ourselves.
The so-called “limitations” are flexible and subject to change as much as we want. Love has no limit, and so are we.
When making decisions about work, life, and relationship, we are not limited by gender, age, education, experience, location, or anything else. All options and possibilities are available to us. Let this affirmation frees us to expand and grow as much as we want.
Let’s begin.
I release the need to limit and restraint myself in various aspects of life.
The limitations that we have are the ones that our old self chose to impose upon ourselves. They are illusional and I now dissolve them and free myself.
I release the need to feel negative about the past and what has happened.
I release the old negative thinking patterns that diminish and trap myself.
I release the fear of lack now. God is my source of supply.
I release the need to live life according to other people’s expectations or opinions.
I release the need to hold onto things out of lack and scarcity thinking.
I am willing to change and remove my limitations.
My so-called “limitations” are flexible and subject to change as much as I want.
I am free to expand my comfort zone at any given time and space.
My natural being is to grow and expand just like seeds grow into trees.
I am boundless.
My creativity and my mind are limitless.
There is nothing that I can’t do, only those that I choose not to do.
I can accomplish anything that I set my mind on — because the universe would conspire and co-create with me and the possibilities of what I can do and achieve is limitless.
Love has no limit, and so am I.
I am free to be who I want to be as long as it does not cause harm to others.
When the old lack and scarcity thinking comes back, I say to them “be gone, these are no longer my reality. My truth is I am without limitation and my source of supply is infinite abundance.”
When making decisions about work, life and relationship, I am not limited by gender, age, education, experience, location, or anything else. All options and possibilities are available to me.
I choose the best one for me under the universe’s guidance and wisdom.
I am divinely guided and provided for at all times.
All my needs and desires are met at any given moment. All bills are paid in divine orders.
I express limitless myself easily and effortlessly.
Unexpected fortune and opportunity now comes my way and I accept it with gratitude.
Every challenges are resolved and overcome with ease and grace as I deepen my faith.
Divine law and order govern my life. Divine love fills my soul. Divine peace is within me.
My restrain and limitation does not help the world, but my growth and abundance uplift the world.
My career progress reflects my infinite potential and I change my career with ease if I want.
It is never too late to start. There is always sufficient time for me to accomplish what I want to accomplish.
I keep learning and trying new things that interest me to enrich my life.
My life is fulfilled.
I produce meaningful work and accept good financial and spiritual rewards from my work.
I become a better version of myself today.
I am happy and grateful to enjoy the best that life has to offer and I accept it now.
Thank you for all the infinite resources, help, opportunities, and goods that come to me just when I need or desire them.
I know I have unlimited riches that come whenever I summon them and I feel good and at ease at all times.
My life is filled with ever-expanding joy and love that flows ceaselessly into my experience.
I am grateful for the power to define myself and my success however I want.
I am grateful for the challenges and lessons that reminds me to keep expanding and growing and the answers always come to me effortlessly.
Thank you for abundance riches and my limitless, powerful mind which I utilize for good cause under the guidance of the universe.
Thank you for joining me in this affirmation series, if you wish to connect more, here are the places where we can hang out and keep in touch:
💓 💓Audio version available on youtube:
Affirmation Series by Connie’s Good Vibes
Affirmations to Get Rid of Poverty Thinking (10 Mins)
Affirmations to Get Rid of Lacks and Limitations (7 Mins)
Affirmations to Get Over Break Up
Affirmations to Get Rid of Poverty Mentality (20 Mins)
and more.